- 聯系人:許甜甜
- 郵 箱:sales@suita.com.cn
- 地 址:上海市浦東新區新華西路288號
- 手 機:18668606822
- 電 話:021-63524957
- 傳 真:021-33928300
- 網 址:http://www.suita.com.cn
上海隋塔濾料物資有限公司,是專業經營工業用布和金屬篩網的大型批發中心,并已取得國內多家著名企業的上海獨家代理權?! ∑涔歉善髽I浙江省天臺縣工業用布廠是浙江省最大的機織濾布生產企業,系全國紡織品行業協會會員和中國環保協會袋式除塵會員單位。浙江省紡織品行業協會常任理事單位。連續十八年被評為“重合同、守信用”企業,企業已通過了ISO9001.2000質量體系認證,擁有自主進出口權。 本公司產品選料精良,工藝技術精湛,設備先進,規格齊全,在全國同行業中處于領先地位。擁有數臺國內一流設備多尼爾織機,并已開發出多個國家級新產品,具有織造多類高強、闊幅,易清洗的濾布能力,并以省著名商標“隋塔牌”商標稱譽工業濾布市場。用戶遍及全國各地,并遠銷歐洲、亞洲等地,深得用戶信賴。企業以“誠信為本、品質至上、用戶第一”為經營宗旨,熱枕歡迎海內外客戶惠顧與指導。 COMPANY PRFILE Shanghai SUITA Filtering Material Co,.Ltd. is a wholesale ceter for industrial clorh and mental mesh and it has been the sole ageney for many Famous domestic enterprises. The main enterprise, Tiantai industrial Cloth Factory(TICF), which is one of the largest enterprise of weaving filter cloth manufacturers in Zhejaing Proving Committee of China Environment Protection Association, and one of trustee of Zheljang industrial Fabric Association, For the past years, it has been evaluated as a“contract-abiding and credit-keeping”enterprise, and valued certificate of ISO9001.2000 and TICT also has foreign trade rights. Our products made by excellent raw Materials, good Tehchnics and advanced weaving machines. TICF has imported many international advanced weaving devices to produce special. Wide breath and high-strength filter cloth and also the filter cloth easy to be washed. TICF is well known in industrial filter fabrics Market for its registered“SUITA”trademark. Our products haveBeen sold to Europe and Asia and win the trust of the customers. Our thenet is: we always put quality and prestige and customer in the first place. http://www.suita-filtering.com