- 聯系人:李經理
- 郵 箱:office@jonchan.com.cn
- 地 址:莘莊工業區申旺路518號東樓101
- 電 話:021-51511373
- 傳 真:021-54831157
- 網 址:http://www.ctex.com.cn
上海業昌紡織機械有限公司成立于1994年,今坐落在上海市郊西北角的莘莊工業園區內,經過將近二十年來的努力和發展,業昌公司已經徹底擺脫了之前單一國外紡織機械設備代理的模式,如今的業昌已經發展成為集研發、生產、銷售、服務、用戶培訓于一體的綜合性企業;而經營的范圍也從單一的紡織設備擴展到各類專業性、針對性更強的紡織及無紡類產品。分布在浙江、江蘇、山東、廣東以及香港的各個辦事處和分支機構,以及訓練有數的技術服務團隊經過多年的發展和完善能更直接及時有效地滿足于用戶的需求。 今天的業昌將進一步改變原有的經營模式,集合中外各合作廠家的精華,更專注于為中國乃至世界用戶提供紡織領域各項解決方案。 業昌人深信“業精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毀于隨”,業昌在發展、業昌人在進步,這將會是前進而不停歇的步伐。同時讓所有用戶“煩惱少一點、生產輕松點、效率高一點、利潤多一點”在過去是將來也會是我們堅持的方向。 Shanghai Ye Chang Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. was found in 1994 located in Xin Zhuang Industrial Park in Shanghai. Through almost 20 years of hard working and research development Shanghai Ye Chang evolved from a machinery agency to an Enterprise including R & D, manufacturing, sales, servicing and technical support training. Our scope of supply expanded from textile machinery to other specialized industries including non-woven accessories and equipment. Shanghai Ye Chang has already established branch offices in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Guangdong and Hong Kong. Our highly trained technical staff in these offices will be able to provide prompt and professional technical support to all our customers in China. Today Shanghai Ye Chang co-operated with other western companies using their advanced technology to jointly develop new machinery and instrumentation to fill the needs for local and customers all over the world for their production and quality upgrade and cost saving solutions. Shanghai Ye Chang firmly believes “In search of excellence through hard working, focus our thinking for the highest achievement”. Our company is growing bigger, our people are getting stronger, this has been our driving force to lead us go forward and still will in the future. We are determined to help all our customers with “less trouble, more production, higher efficiency and more profit”.